Computational Modeling Workshop: May 15 – 19, 2017

This week-long workshop was designed to introduce students and health professionals to the emerging field of quantitative modeling as it relates to the dynamics of infectious diseases. Through a combination of lecture and laboratory practicums, students were exposed to the advanced techniques of statistics, computer science, and mathematics to help them frame biological questions in mathematical parlance, embark on analyses of these models, and work with a diverse array of data using advanced computational methods. Upon completion, attendees were able to:

  • Write code in R to perform research analysis
  • Create reproducible workflows
  • Extend understanding through independent study using web-based resources
  • Express hypotheses as mathematical models
  • Manipulate and analyze diverse data types


Participants choose to register for one or both of our two-and-a-half day modules:

  • Introduction to Scientific Programming*
  • Modeling Infectious Diseases*

*In depth course descriptions, suggested reading materials, and information regarding travel and accommodations can be found at the IDEAS website.


Registration is closed for 2017. Please check back spring 2018 for information regarding our next workshop.